
News 8/2018

Autumn issue of the WTS Tax Bridge newsletter: Differences in the Common System of VAT in Central and Eastern European Countries

wts CEE tax bridge 3/2018 Autumn
Although VAT is the most harmonized tax within the European Union, there are some exceptions in the Common System of VAT in the various Member States.

However, these exceptions are allowed by the EU VAT Directive in the vast majority of cases.

A lot of exceptions apply to the reverse charge and, in particular, to instruments designed to help combat tax evasion.

Did you know that:

  • In Hungary, there is an obligation to report data on issued invoices on-line?
  • In Slovakia, VAT control statements had already been introduced in 2014?
  • In Romania, VAT registration is refused if an applicant receives less than 51 of a total 100 points?

Please find detailed information on the above and other topics in seven EU Member States and two nonmember states in the attached issue of our “Tax Bridge”.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Your WTS Alfery team

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