
News 10/2020

Relief for debtors related to COVID-19 In order to mitigate the negative consequences of the outbreak of COVID-19, the legislators have adopted further measures aimed to protect the weaker parties to selected contractual relations. This newsletter focuses...
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News 9/2020

Lex Covid The Senate approved the bill “on certain measures to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) epidemic on parties to court proceedings, injured parties, victims of crimes and legal entities and on the amendment of the Insolvency...
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News 8/2020

Coronavirus-related Tax Relief We hereby wish to inform you about the latest tax measures to mitigate the negative effect of the coronavirus pandemic. Please note that the previous measures are addressed in our News 2/2020 and News 5/2020. Compensatory...
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News 7/2020

Antivirus programme – provision of contributions to employers Dear Readers, The government approved modification of the so-called “Antivirus” targeted programme for support of employment (hereinafter referred to only as the “Antivirus Programme”)...
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News 6/2020

Coronavirus and force majeure in contractual relations A) Force Majeure The current outbreak of coronavirus disease has very serious implications for commercial relationships. Thus, given also the officially declared pandemic, the outbreak of Covid‐19...
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News 5/2020

Dear readers, The spread of coronavirus and the implementation of preventive measures brings citizens and entrepreneurs into entirely new circumstances that are sometimes difficult to face. Therefore, we try our best to provide you with the current news...
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News 4/2020

COVID II Program Starting Monday, March 30, 2020, it will be possible to apply for the interest-free loan with an annual deferral of the rates under the COVID II program. The minimum loan limit is CZK 10,000, the loan amount should not exceed CZK 15 million....
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News 3/2020

Supporting measures related to Covid-19 Dear readers, We would like to inform you about the current supporting measures implemented by the Czech Republic in order to mitigate the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurs and employers....
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News 2/2020

TAX MEASURES RELATED TO COVID-19 Dear readers, We would like to inform you about the government measures to mitigate the negative impacts of Covid-19 pandemic in the field of taxation. Income Tax The deadline for filing income tax returns applicable to...
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News 1/2020

Generalized reverse charge mechanism in the Czech Republic The European Commission has permitted the Czech Republic to temporarily apply a generalized reverse charge mechanism from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022, i.e. until the final system of VAT rules...
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